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chamber of engineers, Rheinland-Pfalz

Logo Mitglied ING-RP

Since 25 th october 2011, graduated engineer (UAS Bingen) S. L. Litzenberger is optional member of chamber of engineers, Rheinland-Pfalz.

25-year company anniversary

Our engineering office today establishes since 25 years. This success is due to the company founder, Gerd Litzenberger, who received all assigned jobs and plannings with best care. Our principle will be continued to follow up our present achievement, of course.


Our work is always targeted future-looking to meet the growing requirements.



mobile version

As of now, an easier and faster mobile version for users of smartphones and tablets, tailored to transfer rate and visualisation options is available.  The standard version is reversible on a button at the bottom pf the page. The operation systems of smartphones and WAP-capable mobile phones are detected automatically.